Monday, July 21, 2008

Rhodes Island!

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening to you, wherever you are!

Sharing my Greece trip emotions with you, I'll tell you about Rhodes journey today. I had the good fortune to visit a lot of wonderful and charming places in Greece and I'm happy to share my impressions, useful hints with you. I'll tell you where would be better to spend time, to what island would be better to go and so on and so forth. If you have already been in this country, please, post your comments, your trip emotions!

Rhodes!... Ah! This place impressed me very much. First off, it is the third largest island in Greece. When you come in Rhodes, you feel something unbelievable and say something «Oh, my God, where am I, in Paradise?!». This place is really splendid.
Have you ever imagined to yourself how should looks like perfect, ideal place in the world? Each of us wishes to find out that place, where he / she would get relax non-stop, where everything, even rush of wind favours to the rest. Rhodes is exactly that place, where you will find your way of the rest. There are lots of places, which will be the most suitable for family holiday. And the one of them is place under the name - Kalithea.

Kalithea - charming place with plenty of luxe hotels, every possible entertainments, such as excursions, sea and park amusements and much more. Actually, as for me, I was wondered of this bay comfort. Sandy beaches, warm sea, rich flora – there are no doubts you will like Kalithea Bay.
Faliraki – is also beautiful place, actually this is another Rhodes' bay. If you will ask me to describe Faliraki briefly, I say, this is no less comfortable and favourable for the rest place. Faliraki is the center of nightlife, where light atmosphere gains to forget about concerns and troubles.
If you are belonged to that persons, who can't life with any move and ... surfing, visit Lalissos. There is one more wonderful bay, which seems is the most suitable place for this kind of sport. By the way, you may try yourself in surfing, whatever level of training you have. Friendly and qualified instructors will teach you to keep your balance on water, to cope with some surfing tricks, etc. Be sure, time will go by cheerfully in Lalissos!

Rhodes City – is cultural and tourist center of the whole island. I have no doubts, you will be impressed to see Old City, which is situated beyond medieval fortifications. Just even imagine, you will cross streets, where lived or walked ancient Greek scientist and thought up his works. You will deep into an atmosphere, which was progenitress of modern European culture. There are antiquity remains and relics of the past far and wide in Greece.

Whatever you want to get, arriving in this beatifical country, you will get pleasure, satisfaction, cheerful pastime.... You will take in positive emotions and sun energy. Greece is exactly that place, which everyone wish to visit!

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