Good sunny day to everyone!
I would like to give you some useful information, so-called touristmem to everyone, who gonna travel to Greece. Here you will know about Greece time zone, features of Greek monetary unit, tip at bars and coffee shops, how to use public transport, how to rent a car or other vehicle, in what cases apply to medical services in Greece, useful telephone numbers of Greek emergency organizations, Greece city area telephone codes and so on and so forth.
When you are going to another city, country or even to another continent you have to know all special features, national features for to feel yourself comfortable in foreign country. So, let's start. I share useful touristmem with you. I hope, this info will be opportunely!
Well, Greek time zone. Greece is located in Eastern Europe and accordingly Greece time is in the Eastern European Zone (EET). Its' standard time is two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+2). Like most countries in Europe Greece has Summer time (Daylight- saving period). It is a period when time shifted forward by one hour (three hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time – GMT+3). After the summer months the time is shifted back by one hour to Eastern European Time (EET) or to (GMT+2).
Monetary Unit of Greece is Euro. Greece is a member of European Community from 2002 and whole European Community (all countries, which are members of this community) has single monetary unit – Euro (soft money) and Eurocents (coins). Pay attention to not the the least of the factors - you won't pay anything in Greece for dollars, only for Euro!
Tip at bars and coffee shops. National Greek restaurants are called – taverns and there is the rule to include 10% from order' cost as a tip for service. If you would like you may «reward» waiter for the service with your wanted sum of tip.
Public transport in Greece is various. You may take advantage of this opportunity and take a trip by trolleybus, bus (including intercity buses), advanced railway network, marine communication, etc. If you would like you may take a taxi, by the way do remember there is a double rate on taxi from 00.00 to 05.00, or rent a car. There is plenty of rent vehicle departments. Here you may rent you the most liked car, motorcycle or motorbike.
To avoid some distressing situations with your health, you have to complete the formalities for international medical insurance before trip. You won't have any problems with medical centers and chemist's shops. They have special signs – green or red cross on white background and inscription in Greek «ФАРМАКЕIО».
Some Greek area city telephone codes:
Athens +30 210
Larissa +30 241
Mikonos +30 22890
Sohos +30 2395
Thessaloniki +30 231
Volos +30 2421
Greece emergency phone numbers:
Emergency 112
Ambulance 166
Fire Department 199
Police 100
Greece mobile telephone codes:
Vodafone 694
Q-Telecom mobile 699
CosmOTE Mobile 697
Hope this info will be useful for you! Have a nice trip through Greece!
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